What Questions To Expect At A Fashion Interview
As we've established, the fashion industry is like no other, and its interview processes are no exception. Luckily, I've been on enough interviews now to know what to expect so I've listed below some of the questions I've been asked on fashion interviews and how you should approach your answer.
Fashion Careers You Never Considered: Creative Edition
You love fashion and want to have a career in fashion...but don't exactly want to be a stylist OR a designer. No problem! There are plenty of jobs out there where you can utilize your love for fashion and combine it with other skills and interest. Here are a few creative careers you can have that don't involve design or styling, but will still immerse you in the fashion industry.
Maintaining Good Relationships With Showrooms
You hear it all the time-your reputation is everything and it's 100% true. The fashion industry is unbelievable small and word travels quickly. It's so important to maintain a positive reputation because people talk and you never know who knows who. Luckily it's quite simple to just...be a good person but here are some ways to go that extra mile and be remembered in a good light!
What Fashion Week Really Means For Stylists
Fashion Week is upon us once again! Every year, twice a year fashionistas dream of sitting in that coveted front row seat at their favorite designer’s fashion show. Fashion week, or rather fashion month is a biannual presentation of designer’s new collections for the upcoming season.
4 Places Where You Can Find Styling Internships
It may seem like the most simple thing ever, but I find that many of my friends and colleagues often come to me asking, “Where did you find all of your internships?” I am here today to answer that question and provide a guide on how you can source your next internship! When it comes to finding the perfect internship you should have 4 best friends.
How I Got My Dream Internship At...
Ever wondered what it takes to land an internship with prestigious companies like Chanel and Vogue? Or how about with Beyonce’s stylist? Well, look no further because we’re hearing straight from the girls who’ve landed these coveted roles and they’re sharing their best interview tips with you!
What To Wear To A Fashion Industry Interview
Interviews; we all have to go through them one time or another-but what exactly are you supposed to wear to an interview when you’re in the fashion industry? Let’s be honest, you can’t show up to an E-comm stylist interview wearing a grey pinstripe suit.
The Importance Of Interning In The Fashion Industry
It is imperative to intern in the industry because not only is networking of the essence of any career path, but it allows you to gain real, hands-on experience and learn tips and tricks you would not otherwise.
5 Resume Do’s and Don’ts
Some things seem so obvious but you’d be surprised how many people make seemingly innocent mistakes, costing them their dream internship.
The Rachel Zoe Effect: The Reality Of Being A Stylist
Being a fashion and wardrobe stylist is not easy, but it's one of the most glamorized behind-the-scenes jobs around. Lots of young, aspiring people ask me how they can "become a stylist", like it's as simple as choosing to bob their hair or eat a burrito for lunch.
5 Must-Have Items For Your Stylist Kit
There's a lot that goes into a proper styling kit, today I'm going to share with you the top 5 items I MUST for each job.
A Day In The Life Of A Stylist
The most common questions I get from aspiring stylists are regarding the styling process so I decided to do a break down of my process from start to finish. Notice I italicized “my”, because every stylist has a nuanced process but I feel this is pretty standard, so break your notepad out and let’s get started:
4 Ways To Start Your Styling Career...NOW!
One of the biggest steps to moving up in your styling career I'm about to share is no secret. You've heard it many times before but it has to be said again and again: INTERN, INTERN, INTERN!
We Were At FIDM!
This week, we held our most recent stylist panel at one of the top fashion schools of all time, FIDM! (Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising).