4 Ways To Start Your Styling Career...NOW!

One of the biggest steps to moving up in your styling career I'm about to share is no secret. You've heard it many times before but it has to be said again and again: INTERN, INTERN, INTERN!

While you are interning, you get to learn the ins and outs of the game under a more seasoned stylist and this experience in itself is invaluable. No matter how you go about it, you cannot skip this step. I mean you can, but it will be extremely hard for you to get anywhere. With that said, it's a good idea to get start building your portfolio by doing test shoots that show off your styling skills.

Not only do test shoots let you show off your eye for style, but it will help you be able to book your own jobs down the line. The last thing you want is to intern/assist for 5 years, get asked to style a job by yourself but have no portfolio to show to the photographer/creative director. No matter how many shoots you've helped on, you absolutely can't include another stylists work in your book, even if you assisted. It's their work, period. 

Test shoots are also amazing for building your own contacts. The worst thing ever you can do in this industry is *steal* contacts/clients. If you get caught doing so, it's pretty much the kiss of death on your career and you'll get blacklisted because everyone talks in this industry. You might think I'm being dramatic but I'm completely serious, I've seen it happen. But on a lighter note, the creatives you meet on shoots can help you build your portfolio and your network.

The biggest mistake I see young stylists make is trying too hard to network up instead of networking with those on their same level. Your creative peers will be the ones to refer you to jobs and who knows, that photographer you met on a test could be shooting for Harper's Bazaar in 5 years and if you maintain a positive relationship, guess who he's going to call to style that cover? You!  Even if you don't live in a big city like LA or NYC, here are some ways to start building your portfolio: 

  • IG

You're on it all day anyway, so why not use it to your advantage? If you see a photographer whose work you absolutely love, send them a message offering to style their next shoot. It's a win-win situation, you get new photos for your book, the photographer gets elevated photos featuring amazing clothing they otherwise wouldn't know where to find. 

  • Craigslist

As with all things, use your discretion for this one. If something looks too good to be true, it probably is. Craigslist doesn't have the best reputation but they do have great job/gig opportunities from time to time. In fact, that's how I got my start! I responded to an ad from a photographer who was seeking a stylist for an editorial. I already had a couple of photos in my portfolio because I went to fashion school and had photos of my own designs, which leads me to...

  • Art School

As I mentioned, networking with those on your same level is crucial because: 

1. They're more willing to work with you than someone who's already established. 

2. As both of your careers grow, you can be a source of mutual support. 

Connect with photography students from your local art school who are interested in shooting fashion and use this as an opportunity to build both of your portfolios. 

  • Friends

If all else fails, get creative with your friends! Utilize your smartphone (or if you have a DSLR, even better) and dress up your most modelesque friend (we all have a friend who thinks they’re a model). Your first images aren't expected to look like Vogue, the point is to just show off your creativity and styling skills.



A Day In The Life Of A Stylist


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