How To Make Yourself Stand Out After Your Interview
When it comes to interviews, especially those in fashion, the waiting period can have you glued to your phone paroling your inbox, in eager anticipation of that “welcome aboard” email. Now before you bite your nails to nubs, take a deep breath and keep reading.
What Questions To Expect At A Fashion Interview
As we've established, the fashion industry is like no other, and its interview processes are no exception. Luckily, I've been on enough interviews now to know what to expect so I've listed below some of the questions I've been asked on fashion interviews and how you should approach your answer.
What To Wear To A Fashion Industry Interview
Interviews; we all have to go through them one time or another-but what exactly are you supposed to wear to an interview when you’re in the fashion industry? Let’s be honest, you can’t show up to an E-comm stylist interview wearing a grey pinstripe suit.
5 Resume Do’s and Don’ts
Some things seem so obvious but you’d be surprised how many people make seemingly innocent mistakes, costing them their dream internship.