Do You Know Who Styles Your Favorite Celebrities?
It's equally crucial to keep up to date with who's currently on top in your industry as it is to know the legends. Today we're going to go over the stylists who are currently dominating the pages of magazines as well as global red carpets.
We Just Launched A Podcast!
It’s our mission to bridge the gap between school and industry, dedicated to making sure YOU have all the tools you need to hit the ground running and find your footing in this competitive industry. Check us out and let us know what you’d like to hear about!
The Rachel Zoe Effect: The Reality Of Being A Stylist
Being a fashion and wardrobe stylist is not easy, but it's one of the most glamorized behind-the-scenes jobs around. Lots of young, aspiring people ask me how they can "become a stylist", like it's as simple as choosing to bob their hair or eat a burrito for lunch.